linden, privet, ailanthus, maple, wild grape, goatsbeard, sweet chestnut, mistletoe, horse chestnut, apple, pear, whitethorn, elder, cotoneaster, bellflower, lilac, phacelia, and many more – thick floweriness – flavor variety.
schönbrunner honig. is not only charaterized by its varity of blossoms, it is also extracted directly on-site. So the honey finds it way directly from the hive into the glass, without detours.
The migration is entierly up to the bees this is why schönbrunner honig. is exclusively collected within the area of schönbrunn. The honey reflects the diversity of this cultural landscape which can be found in the taste. The variety of this cultural landscape is tremendous- and all of that in a city.
Buying Source
GEA Wien – Himmelpfortgasse
Heinrich Staudinger GmbH
Himmelpfortgasse 26
1010 Vienna
Am Hof 2
A-1010 Vienna
Steirereck Im Stadtpark
Am Heumarkt 2A / im Stadtpark
A-1030 Vienna
As well as on request
Corpse Honey – out now – new edition featuring Lydia Haider
Reindorfgasse 44
1150 Vienna
Wo die Körper der Toten im Erdreich verwesen
gehen Pflanzen aus diesem und sprießen erlesen
und die Blumen am Friedhof sind unsere Speis
die mit Fleiß wir uns holen, den Nektar der Leich
machen Honig daraus, bleiben ewig gesund
so auch ihr, die den feinen Spezialhonig esst
und die Leichname euch so zart schmecken lasst.